Welcome to ELLville
WELCOME TO THE ELLVILLE BLOG- your destination for colorful ESL/ELL/Language visuals and Featured FREEBIES! ELLville represents a charming community of vibrant visuals and friendly characters, ready to help your students in their journeys as bilingual or multilingual learners. Visit our blog to be the first to learn about freebies, new products, and more!
What is ELLville?
ELLville is a colorful ESL/ELL game system designed to be engaging, friendly, and fun for newcomer ESL/ELL students! The friendly town of ELLville represents a verbal and visual program filled with diverse and relevant images ideal for teaching language. Structured as a game, the ELLVille system uses illustrated cards and placemats to teach important concepts and words. In addition, ELLville offers a variety of illustrated resources including flash cards, worksheets, and the Interactive PICTURE Dictionary!
Questions or comments? Feel free to email ellvillelearning@gmail.com or use the contact form!